Understanding Phoslock – An All-Natural, Technologically Advanced Solution for Algae Control

As a pond ages, it goes through a process known as eutrophication. Runoff from rain events deposits nutrient laden organic materials and sediment into the pond increasing the amount of nutrients that fuel plant and algae growth. In stormwater ponds, this process can be rapidly accelerated, and nuisance algal blooms can become common place. In situations where standard pond management strategies are not as effective, Black Lagoon can implement a Phoslock treatment program to stop the problem at the source. But what is Phoslock and how can it help my pond?

Phoslock is patented phosphorus locking technology containing lanthanum (5%), a naturally occurring earth element, embedded inside a clay matric (95%) (An overview of Phoslock and Use in Aquatic Environments, SePro 2011). Lanthanum naturally and permanently binds with phosphates making the nutrient resource unavailable for plant and algal uptake. As many reading this will know, phosphorous is one of, if not the key nutrient, which contributes to chronic algal blooms. By removing, or binding this nutrient permanently, you can stop the problem at the source. So how exactly does Phoslock work?

During a Phoslock application, the lanthanum medium is either applied in solution, or as a granular throughout the pond. In applied as a solution, the product moves through the water column naturally sequestering and removing free reactive phosphorous. As lanthanum binds with phosphates it forms an inert (inactive) compound becoming part of the waterbodies sediment. Phoslock will continue to bind with phosphorus until all available are taken. The overall result in this process is a significant reduction in phosphorus levels, restored water quality and the elimination of recurring algae blooms for an extended period of time.

During our extensive testing with Phoslock, our team has had nothing but resounding success; in some cases a 95% or greater reduction in recurring algal blooms. We work with our clients to formulate, and implement Phoslock programs designed to meet their specific management objectives and site parameters. The flexibility of this program is extraordinary. Programs can be completed in one day, over several days throughout the season, or spanned over the course of multiple seasons creating a one of a kind, custom fit.

More information can be found by contacting Black Lagoon to talk to an Aquatic Specialist or by visiting the SePro website (https://sepro.com/aquatics/phoslock).

Josh Burnside